prescription drugs list australia

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Australia has a comprehensive healthcare system known as Medicare that ensures access to affordable and quality healthcare services for its citizens and permanent residents. This system also includes coverage for prescription drugs through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). The PBS is a vital part of the Australian healthcare system that provides access to a wide range of prescription medicines at a subsidized cost to eligible individuals.

The PBS is administered by the Australian Government and is funded through taxes. It operates on the principle of co-payments, where individuals pay a certain amount for each PBS-listed medicine, and the Australian Government subsidizes the remainder. The co-payment amount varies depending on the medicine and the individual’s circumstances, such as their concession card status.

The PBS list of medicines is reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it reflects the latest clinical evidence and therapeutic needs of the Australian population. The process of adding a new medicine to the PBS involves a thorough evaluation of safety, efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and clinical need. This process ensures that only medicines that meet strict criteria are listed on the PBS, making them accessible and affordable to eligible individuals.

prescription drugs list australia

PBS-subsidised medicines offer affordable access.

  • Wide range of medicines covered.
  • Regularly reviewed and updated list.

PBS ensures access to essential medications.

Wide range of medicines covered.

The PBS list of medicines covers a wide range of therapeutic areas and conditions, ensuring that Australians have access to essential and life-saving medications. These include medicines for:

  • Chronic conditions:

    Medicines for managing chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease.

  • Infectious diseases:

    Medicines for treating infectious diseases such as antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals.

  • Mental health conditions:

    Medicines for treating mental health conditions such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anxiolytics.

  • Cancer and other serious illnesses:

    Medicines for treating cancer and other serious illnesses such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.

The PBS also covers a range of other medicines, including vaccines, pain relievers, and medicines for rare diseases. This comprehensive list ensures that Australians have access to the medicines they need to stay healthy and manage their medical conditions.

Regularly reviewed and updated list.

The PBS list of medicines is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that it reflects the latest clinical evidence and therapeutic needs of the Australian population. This process is essential to ensure that Australians have access to the most effective and safe medicines available.

  • Expert review panel:

    The PBS list is reviewed by an expert panel of clinicians, scientists, and consumers who assess the safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of new medicines.

  • Public consultation:

    The Australian Government also conducts public consultations to gather feedback from healthcare professionals, patient groups, and the general public on proposed changes to the PBS list.

  • Inclusion criteria:

    To be listed on the PBS, a medicine must meet strict criteria, including demonstrated clinical benefit, cost-effectiveness, and a favourable safety profile.

  • Ongoing monitoring:

    Once a medicine is listed on the PBS, it is continuously monitored for safety and effectiveness. If new evidence emerges that raises concerns about a medicine’s safety or efficacy, the PBS may take action to restrict or remove the medicine from the list.

The regular review and update of the PBS list ensures that Australians have access to the most appropriate and effective medicines available, while also safeguarding the safety of patients.


The following are frequently asked questions about the PBS and prescription medicines in Australia:

Question 1: What is the PBS?

Answer 1: The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) is a government-funded program that subsidises the cost of prescription medicines for eligible Australians. It is one of the largest and most comprehensive universal healthcare programs in the world.

Question 2: Who is eligible for the PBS?

Answer 2: Australian citizens, permanent residents, and some temporary residents with a valid Medicare card are generally eligible for the PBS. Concession card holders, such as pensioners and low-income earners, are also eligible for additional subsidies.

Question 3: How do I get a prescription medicine on the PBS?

Answer 3: To obtain a PBS-subsidised medicine, you need a valid prescription from a doctor or other authorised prescriber. You can then take the prescription to a pharmacy to have it dispensed. The pharmacist will charge you the PBS co-payment amount, which varies depending on the medicine and your concession card status.

Question 4: What is the PBS co-payment?

Answer 4: The PBS co-payment is the amount you pay for a PBS-subsidised medicine. The co-payment amount varies depending on the medicine and your concession card status. Concession card holders generally pay a lower co-payment than non-concession card holders.

Question 5: How can I find out if a medicine is on the PBS?

Answer 5: You can search for a medicine on the PBS website or ask your doctor or pharmacist. The PBS website also provides information on the co-payment amount for each medicine.

Question 6: What should I do if I have questions about the PBS or my prescription medicines?

Answer 6: If you have any questions about the PBS or your prescription medicines, you should talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or contact the PBS Information Line on 1800 020 613.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

The PBS is a vital part of the Australian healthcare system, providing affordable access to essential medicines for millions of Australians. If you have any questions about the PBS or your prescription medicines, please speak to your healthcare provider.


Here are some practical tips for managing your prescription medicines in Australia:

Tip 1: Keep a medication list.

Keep a list of all the prescription and non-prescription medicines you are taking, including the name of the medicine, dosage, frequency, and the reason you are taking it. This will help you keep track of your medications and ensure that you are taking them correctly.

Tip 2: Ask questions about your medicines.

When you are prescribed a new medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist about the following:

  • What is the name of the medicine and what is it for?
  • What are the potential side effects?
  • How and when should I take the medicine?
  • Are there any foods or activities I should avoid while taking this medicine?
  • Can I take this medicine with my other medications?

Tip 3: Take your medicines as prescribed.

It is important to take your medicines exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not skip doses or take more or less of the medicine than prescribed. If you have difficulty taking your medicines as prescribed, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Tip 4: Store your medicines safely.

Store your medicines in a cool, dry place, out of reach of children and pets. Keep medicines in their original containers and do not transfer them to other containers. Dispose of old or unused medicines safely by returning them to a pharmacy.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

By following these tips, you can help ensure that you are taking your prescription medicines safely and effectively.


The PBS is a vital part of the Australian healthcare system, providing affordable access to a wide range of essential medicines for millions of Australians. The PBS list of medicines is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that it reflects the latest clinical evidence and therapeutic needs of the Australian population.

By following the tips provided in this article, you can help ensure that you are taking your prescription medicines safely and effectively. If you have any questions or concerns about your prescription medicines, please speak to your doctor or pharmacist.

Closing Message:

The PBS is a valuable resource for Australians, providing access to affordable and essential medicines. By understanding how the PBS works and by following the tips provided in this article, you can make the most of this important healthcare program.

Prescription Drugs List Australia