pets dnd

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Pets are a beloved part of many Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) campaigns. They can provide companionship, utility, and even combat support to adventuring parties. However, caring for a pet in D&D can be challenging, as players must consider factors such as food, shelter, and training.

In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss everything players need to know about keeping pets in D&D. We will cover topics such as choosing the right pet, providing food and shelter, and training pets for combat and utility.

With careful planning and care, players can enjoy the many benefits of having a pet in D&D. Pets can provide companionship, utility, and even combat support to adventuring parties. They can also add a touch of realism and immersion to the game.

Pets Dnd

Pets can add depth and enjoyment to D&D campaigns.

  • Choose wisely
  • Care and training
  • Combat and utility

With proper care and training, pets can be valuable assets to adventuring parties.

Choose wisely

The first step to having a successful pet in D&D is to choose the right pet for your character and party.

  • Consider your character’s class and playstyle.

    Some classes, such as rangers and druids, have abilities that synergize well with certain types of pets. For example, a ranger might choose a wolf or hawk as a pet, while a druid might choose a bear or owl.

  • Think about the party’s needs.

    If the party lacks a healer, a pet with healing abilities, such as a unicorn or pegasus, could be a valuable asset. If the party needs a tank, a pet with high hit points and defense, such as a bear or lion, could be a good choice.

  • Choose a pet that fits the campaign setting.

    If the campaign is set in a forest, a deer or fox might be a good choice. If the campaign is set in a desert, a camel or lizard might be a better option.

  • Make sure the pet is appropriate for the party’s level.

    A low-level party should not try to tame a powerful creature like a dragon or giant. Instead, they should start with a more manageable pet, such as a dog or cat.

By following these tips, players can choose a pet that will be a valuable asset to their character and party.

Care and training

Once you have chosen a pet, you need to provide it with proper care and training.

  • Feed your pet regularly.

    The type of food your pet needs will depend on its species. Make sure to give your pet enough food to stay healthy and strong.

  • Provide your pet with shelter.

    Your pet needs a safe and comfortable place to sleep and rest. This could be a doghouse, a cat bed, or even a simple blanket in a corner of your room.

  • Take your pet to the veterinarian regularly.

    Just like humans, pets need regular checkups to ensure they are healthy. The veterinarian can also provide vaccinations and other preventive care.

  • Train your pet.

    Training your pet is essential for making it a valuable member of your adventuring party. You can train your pet to follow commands, perform tricks, and even fight alongside you in combat.

By providing your pet with proper care and training, you can ensure that it is a happy and healthy companion for many years to come.

Combat and utility

Pets can provide a variety of benefits in combat and utility situations.

  • Pets can attack enemies.

    A well-trained pet can deal significant damage to enemies in combat. This can be especially helpful for parties that lack a strong melee attacker.

  • Pets can provide support abilities.

    Some pets have abilities that can support the party in combat. For example, a dog might be able to knock an enemy prone, while a bird might be able to fly overhead and provide a scouting report.

  • Pets can carry items.

    Pets can be used to carry items for the party. This can be especially helpful for parties that are traveling through dangerous terrain or carrying a lot of loot.

  • Pets can provide companionship.

    In addition to their combat and utility benefits, pets can also provide companionship to their owners. This can be especially important for characters who are traveling alone or who are feeling lonely.

By using their pets wisely, players can gain a significant advantage in combat and other situations.


Here are some frequently asked questions about pets in D&D:

Question 1: How do I choose the right pet for my character?
Answer: Consider your character’s class, the party’s needs, the campaign setting, and the pet’s level.

Question 2: How do I care for my pet?
Answer: Feed your pet regularly, provide it with shelter, take it to the veterinarian regularly, and train it.

Question 3: How can my pet help me in combat?
Answer: Your pet can attack enemies, provide support abilities, carry items, and provide companionship.

Question 4: How can my pet help me outside of combat?
Answer: Your pet can help you with tasks such as tracking, scouting, and finding hidden objects.

Question 5: What are some common types of pets in D&D?
Answer: Some common types of pets in D&D include dogs, cats, horses, hawks, owls, and dragons.

Question 6: How do I train my pet?
Answer: You can train your pet by using positive reinforcement and consistent commands.

Question 7: What are some tips for using pets effectively in D&D?
Answer: Use your pet’s abilities to your advantage, keep your pet healthy and well-trained, and be creative in how you use your pet in combat and other situations.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ: Pets can be a valuable asset to D&D characters and parties. By choosing the right pet, caring for it properly, and training it effectively, players can gain a significant advantage in combat and other situations.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are a few additional tips for using pets effectively in D&D:


Here are a few additional tips for using pets effectively in D&D:

Tip 1: Use your pet’s abilities to your advantage.
Each type of pet has its own unique abilities. Make sure you know what your pet’s abilities are and how to use them effectively in combat and other situations.

Tip 2: Keep your pet healthy and well-trained.
A healthy and well-trained pet is a more effective pet. Make sure to feed your pet regularly, provide it with shelter, take it to the veterinarian regularly, and train it regularly.

Tip 3: Be creative in how you use your pet.
Pets can be used in a variety of ways in D&D. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and use your pet in creative ways to gain an advantage in combat and other situations.

Tip 4: Work with your DM to ensure your pet is balanced.
Pets can be powerful allies, but it’s important to make sure they are not too powerful. Work with your DM to ensure that your pet is balanced and does not overshadow the other players’ characters.

Closing Paragraph for Tips: By following these tips, you can use your pet to its full potential and gain a significant advantage in D&D.

Pets can be a valuable asset to D&D characters and parties. By choosing the right pet, caring for it properly, training it effectively, and using it wisely, players can gain a significant advantage in combat and other situations.


Pets can be a valuable asset to D&D characters and parties. By choosing the right pet, caring for it properly, training it effectively, and using it wisely, players can gain a significant advantage in combat and other situations.

The main points to remember when using pets in D&D are as follows:

  • Choose the right pet for your character and party.
  • Provide your pet with proper care and training.
  • Use your pet’s abilities to your advantage in combat and other situations.
  • Be creative in how you use your pet.
  • Work with your DM to ensure your pet is balanced.

Closing Message: With a little planning and effort, you can use your pet to its full potential and gain a significant advantage in D&D. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and find your perfect pet today!

Pets Dnd: A Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Pets in Dungeons and Dragons