legal resources centre (national office) johannesburg

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The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) is a non-profit organization based in Johannesburg, South Africa. It provides legal services, advocacy, and research on issues related to human rights, social justice, and the environment. The LRC was founded in 1979 by a group of lawyers who were committed to using the law to promote social change and protect the rights of marginalized communities.

The LRC’s work focuses on four key areas:

The LRC has a long and successful history of using the law to promote social change and protect the rights of marginalized communities. The organization has played a leading role in many landmark cases, including the 1994 case that led to the abolition of the death penalty in South Africa.

Legal Resources Centre (National Office) Johannesburg

The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) is a non-profit organization based in Johannesburg, South Africa. It provides legal services, advocacy, and research on issues related to human rights, social justice, and the environment.

  • Human rights advocacy
  • Social justice litigation
  • Environmental law expertise

The LRC has a long and successful history of using the law to promote social change and protect the rights of marginalized communities. The organization has played a leading role in many landmark cases, including the 1994 case that led to the abolition of the death penalty in South Africa.

Human rights advocacy

The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) is a leading advocate for human rights in South Africa. The organization works to protect and promote the rights of all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other status.

  • Constitutional litigation: The LRC uses strategic litigation to challenge laws and government policies that violate human rights. The organization has a track record of success in landmark cases, including the 1994 case that led to the abolition of the death penalty in South Africa.
  • Policy advocacy: The LRC works with government officials, civil society organizations, and the public to advocate for laws and policies that protect human rights. The organization also provides legal advice and support to human rights defenders and activists.
  • Public education: The LRC conducts public education campaigns to raise awareness of human rights issues and to promote a culture of human rights in South Africa. The organization publishes reports, articles, and other resources on human rights issues, and it also provides training and workshops for human rights activists and educators.
  • International advocacy: The LRC works with international organizations and networks to promote human rights in South Africa and around the world. The organization participates in international conferences and forums, and it also submits reports and recommendations to international human rights bodies.

The LRC’s human rights advocacy work has made a significant contribution to the promotion and protection of human rights in South Africa. The organization has played a leading role in the fight against apartheid, and it continues to work to ensure that all people in South Africa enjoy their full human rights.

Social justice litigation

The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) uses strategic litigation to challenge laws, policies, and practices that perpetuate social injustice and inequality. The organization has a long history of successful social justice litigation, including cases involving:

  • Socio-economic rights: The LRC has litigated cases to enforce socio-economic rights, such as the right to access to housing, healthcare, and education. For example, the LRC represented a group of homeless people who were challenging the government’s failure to provide them with adequate shelter.
  • Discrimination: The LRC has also litigated cases involving discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, and disability. For example, the LRC represented a group of lesbian and gay people who were challenging a law that criminalized same-sex sexual activity.
  • Environmental justice: The LRC has also litigated cases involving environmental justice. For example, the LRC represented a community of people who were living near a toxic waste dump and who were suffering from health problems as a result of the pollution.
  • Access to justice: The LRC also litigates cases to ensure that people have access to justice. For example, the LRC has represented people who have been denied access to legal aid or who have been unfairly treated by the justice system.

The LRC’s social justice litigation work has made a significant contribution to the promotion of social justice and equality in South Africa. The organization has helped to ensure that the rights of all people are protected, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other status.

Environmental law expertise

The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) has a team of experienced environmental law experts who provide legal advice and representation to clients on a wide range of environmental issues, including:

  • Pollution control: The LRC represents clients who are affected by pollution from industrial facilities, mining operations, and other sources. The organization also works to enforce environmental laws and regulations that are designed to protect air and water quality.
  • Climate change: The LRC is actively involved in climate change litigation and advocacy. The organization represents clients who are seeking to hold governments and corporations accountable for their contributions to climate change. The LRC also works to promote policies and practices that will help to mitigate the effects of climate change.
  • Conservation and biodiversity: The LRC represents clients who are working to protect endangered species and their habitats. The organization also works to challenge laws and policies that threaten biodiversity.
  • Access to environmental information: The LRC works to ensure that the public has access to environmental information. The organization represents clients who are seeking access to information about pollution levels, environmental impact assessments, and other environmental matters.

The LRC’s environmental law expertise has made a significant contribution to the protection of the environment in South Africa. The organization has helped to enforce environmental laws and regulations, to promote policies that protect the environment, and to ensure that the public has access to environmental information. The LRC continues to be a leading advocate for environmental justice in South Africa.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Legal Resources Centre (LRC) in Johannesburg:

Question 1: What is the LRC?
Answer 1: The LRC is a non-profit organization that provides legal services, advocacy, and research on issues related to human rights, social justice, and the environment.

Question 2: Who does the LRC represent?
Answer 2: The LRC represents a wide range of clients, including individuals, communities, and non-profit organizations. The LRC also provides legal advice and support to human rights defenders and activists.

Question 3: What kind of legal services does the LRC provide?
Answer 3: The LRC provides a variety of legal services, including litigation, policy advocacy, public education, and international advocacy.

Question 4: What are some of the LRC’s major accomplishments?
Answer 4: The LRC has a long history of successful litigation and advocacy. Some of the organization’s major accomplishments include helping to abolish the death penalty in South Africa, securing access to antiretroviral treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS, and challenging laws that discriminate against LGBTQI+ people.

Question 5: How can I get involved with the LRC?
Answer 5: There are many ways to get involved with the LRC. You can donate to the organization, volunteer your time, or join one of the LRC’s campaigns.

Question 6: Where can I find more information about the LRC?
Answer 6: You can find more information about the LRC on the organization’s website,

The LRC is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in human rights, social justice, and environmental protection in South Africa. The organization provides high-quality legal services, advocacy, and research, and it has a long history of success in promoting social change.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are some additional tips for getting the most out of your experience with the LRC:


Here are some practical tips for getting the most out of your experience with the Legal Resources Centre (LRC) in Johannesburg:

Tip 1: Be prepared to provide detailed information. When you contact the LRC, be prepared to provide as much detailed information as possible about your legal issue. This will help the LRC staff to assess your case and determine whether the LRC is able to assist you.

Tip 2: Be patient. The LRC receives a high volume of requests for assistance, so it may take some time for the organization to respond to your inquiry. Please be patient and persistent, and eventually you will be able to speak with a member of the LRC staff.

Tip 3: Be open to different options. The LRC may not always be able to provide you with the specific legal assistance that you are seeking. However, the LRC staff may be able to refer you to other organizations or resources that can help you.

Tip 4: Consider making a donation. The LRC is a non-profit organization, and it relies on donations from the public to support its work. If you are able to make a donation, no matter how small, it will help the LRC to continue providing legal services, advocacy, and research on important human rights, social justice, and environmental issues.

The LRC is a valuable resource for anyone who is facing a legal problem or who is interested in promoting human rights, social justice, and environmental protection in South Africa. By following these tips, you can get the most out of your experience with the LRC.

The LRC is a leading advocate for human rights, social justice, and environmental protection in South Africa. The organization provides high-quality legal services, advocacy, and research, and it has a long history of success in promoting social change.


The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) is a leading advocate for human rights, social justice, and environmental protection in South Africa. The organization provides high-quality legal services, advocacy, and research, and it has a long history of success in promoting social change.

The LRC’s human rights advocacy work has made a significant contribution to the promotion and protection of human rights in South Africa. The organization has played a leading role in the fight against apartheid, and it continues to work to ensure that all people in South Africa enjoy their full human rights.

The LRC’s social justice litigation work has helped to ensure that the rights of all people are protected, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other status. The LRC has also been instrumental in promoting policies and practices that will help to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The LRC’s environmental law expertise has helped to protect the environment in South Africa. The organization has helped to enforce environmental laws and regulations, to promote policies that protect the environment, and to ensure that the public has access to environmental information.

The LRC is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in human rights, social justice, and environmental protection in South Africa. The organization provides high-quality legal services, advocacy, and research, and it has a long history of success in promoting social change. If you are facing a legal problem or if you are interested in getting involved in the fight for human rights, social justice, or environmental protection, the LRC is an organization that you should know about.

Legal Resources Centre (National Office) Johannesburg