adult mental health services iom

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The Isle of Man’s adult mental health services are provided by a range of organizations, including the Department of Health and Social Care, the Isle of Man Health Service, and a number of independent organizations. These services offer a wide range of support to people with mental health problems, including assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation.

The Department of Health and Social Care is responsible for the overall planning and funding of adult mental health services in the Isle of Man. The department works closely with the Isle of Man Health Service to ensure that people with mental health problems have access to the services they need.

The Isle of Man Health Service provides a range of adult mental health services, including:

  • Inpatient care: This is provided at the Manannan Court Mental Health Unit at Noble’s Hospital. The unit has 32 beds and provides care for people with acute mental health problems.
  • Outpatient care: This is provided at a number of clinics across the Isle of Man. Outpatient services include assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation.
  • Community mental health teams: These teams provide support to people with mental health problems who are living in the community. The teams work with people to help them manage their symptoms and live as independently as possible.
  • Crisis services: These services provide support to people who are experiencing a mental health crisis. The services include a 24-hour helpline and a crisis resolution team.

The Isle of Man also has a number of independent organizations that provide adult mental health services. These organizations include:

adult mental health services iom

Comprehensive range of services.

  • Inpatient and outpatient care.
  • Community support and crisis services.

Provided by government and independent organizations.

Inpatient and outpatient care.

Inpatient care is provided at the Manannan Court Mental Health Unit at Noble’s Hospital. The unit has 32 beds and provides care for people with acute mental health problems, such as psychosis, severe depression, and bipolar disorder. Inpatient care is typically short-term, with the goal of stabilizing the person’s condition and helping them to develop the skills they need to manage their symptoms in the community.

Outpatient care is provided at a number of clinics across the Isle of Man. Outpatient services include assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation. Assessment typically involves meeting with a mental health professional to discuss the person’s symptoms and history. Treatment may include medication, psychotherapy, and other therapies. Rehabilitation services help people to develop the skills they need to live as independently as possible, such as managing their symptoms, finding employment, and maintaining relationships.

Outpatient care is typically provided on a long-term basis, with the goal of helping the person to manage their symptoms and live a full and productive life. Outpatient services may also include support groups, family therapy, and other services to help the person cope with their mental health condition.

In addition to the services provided by the Isle of Man Health Service, there are a number of independent organizations that provide inpatient and outpatient care for people with mental health problems. These organizations include:

  • The Manx Association for Mental Health: This organization provides a range of services, including inpatient care, outpatient care, and community support services.
  • The Isle of Man Mind: This organization provides a range of services, including counseling, support groups, and advocacy services.

People who are experiencing mental health problems should contact their doctor or mental health professional to discuss their treatment options.

Community support and crisis services.

Community support services are designed to help people with mental health problems to live as independently as possible in the community. These services may include:

  • Supported housing: This type of housing provides a safe and supportive environment for people with mental health problems who need help with daily living skills.
  • Day programs: These programs provide a structured environment where people with mental health problems can receive support, participate in activities, and develop skills for living independently.
  • Employment support: These services help people with mental health problems to find and keep a job.
  • Peer support: This type of support involves people with mental health problems providing support to each other. Peer support groups can be a valuable source of information, encouragement, and validation.

Crisis services are designed to provide immediate support to people who are experiencing a mental health crisis. These services may include:

  • Crisis helplines: These helplines provide a confidential and anonymous way for people to talk to a trained counselor about their mental health problems.
  • Crisis resolution teams: These teams provide mobile support to people who are experiencing a mental health crisis. The teams can help people to de-escalate their crisis, avoid hospitalization, and connect with other mental health services.
  • Crisis respite care: This type of care provides a safe and supportive environment for people who are experiencing a mental health crisis. Crisis respite care can help people to stabilize their condition and avoid hospitalization.

Community support and crisis services are essential for helping people with mental health problems to live full and productive lives. These services can help people to manage their symptoms, avoid hospitalization, and achieve their recovery goals.


The following are some frequently asked questions about adult mental health services in the Isle of Man:

Question 1: What services are available for adults with mental health problems in the Isle of Man?
Answer 1: A range of services are available for adults with mental health problems in the Isle of Man, including inpatient and outpatient care, community support services, and crisis services.

Question 2: How do I access adult mental health services in the Isle of Man?
Answer 2: You can access adult mental health services in the Isle of Man by contacting your doctor or mental health professional. You can also contact the Manx Association for Mental Health or the Isle of Man Mind for more information.

Question 3: What is the difference between inpatient and outpatient care?
Answer 3: Inpatient care is provided in a hospital setting, while outpatient care is provided in a community setting. Inpatient care is typically used for people who need immediate and intensive care, while outpatient care is typically used for people who are able to live independently in the community.

Question 4: What community support services are available for adults with mental health problems in the Isle of Man?
Answer 4: A range of community support services are available for adults with mental health problems in the Isle of Man, including supported housing, day programs, employment support, and peer support.

Question 5: What crisis services are available for adults with mental health problems in the Isle of Man?
Answer 5: A range of crisis services are available for adults with mental health problems in the Isle of Man, including crisis helplines, crisis resolution teams, and crisis respite care.

Question 6: How can I get help for a friend or family member who is struggling with a mental health problem?
Answer 6: If you are concerned about a friend or family member who is struggling with a mental health problem, you can encourage them to seek help from a doctor or mental health professional. You can also contact the Manx Association for Mental Health or the Isle of Man Mind for more information about how you can support your loved one.

Question 7: Where can I find more information about adult mental health services in the Isle of Man?
Answer 7: You can find more information about adult mental health services in the Isle of Man by visiting the websites of the Department of Health and Social Care, the Isle of Man Health Service, the Manx Association for Mental Health, and the Isle of Man Mind.

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If you are struggling with a mental health problem, please reach out for help. There are a range of services available to support you on your journey to recovery.


The following are some tips for adults in the Isle of Man who are struggling with mental health problems:

Tip 1: Seek help early.
Don’t wait until your mental health problems become severe. The sooner you seek help, the sooner you can start on the road to recovery.

Tip 2: Be honest with your doctor or mental health professional.
It is important to be honest with your doctor or mental health professional about your symptoms and experiences. This will help them to make an accurate diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan.

Tip 3: Follow your treatment plan.
Once you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, it is important to follow your treatment plan as prescribed by your doctor or mental health professional. This may include taking medication, attending therapy, or making lifestyle changes.

Tip 4: Take care of your physical health.
Eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep can all help to improve your mental health. Avoiding alcohol and drugs can also be helpful.

Tip 5: Connect with others.
Social support is important for everyone, but it is especially important for people with mental health problems. Talk to your friends and family about what you are going through, or consider joining a support group.

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Remember, you are not alone. There are many people who care about you and want to help you get better.


Adult mental health services in the Isle of Man provide a range of support to people with mental health problems, including assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation. These services are provided by a variety of organizations, including the Department of Health and Social Care, the Isle of Man Health Service, and a number of independent organizations.

The main points of this article are as follows:

  • Adult mental health services in the Isle of Man are comprehensive and include inpatient and outpatient care, community support services, and crisis services.
  • Inpatient care is provided at the Manannan Court Mental Health Unit at Noble’s Hospital, while outpatient care is provided at a number of clinics across the Isle of Man.
  • Community support services are designed to help people with mental health problems to live as independently as possible in the community, while crisis services are designed to provide immediate support to people who are experiencing a mental health crisis.
  • If you are struggling with a mental health problem, it is important to seek help early and to be honest with your doctor or mental health professional about your symptoms and experiences.
  • Following your treatment plan, taking care of your physical health, and connecting with others can all help to improve your mental health.

Closing Message

Mental health problems are common and treatable. If you are struggling with a mental health problem, please reach out for help. There are a range of services available to support you on your journey to recovery.

Adult Mental Health Services IOM